Love, Lucas

"Love, Lucas" written by Chantele Sedgwick is one of the greatest books I have read. It was a romantic comedy, but there was definitely some sadness in there. At least there was for me, I cried in the beginning and the end. I inferred I would end up crying, because when I read the back, it was pretty obvious. This book is one of those books, that from the beginning (if you like these type of books), that it'll just be a great one. Not only is it a great book, but it's one of those books that has you wanting more. Whenever I picked up the book, I didn't want to put it down. Then again, I also didn't want to finish it. I woul recommend this book to anyone who like comedy, romance, sadness, trauma, and also a little bit of a thriller. Down below is a quick summary, giving you a little bit of the feel of the book. If you're interested, please check it out! This book is about a girl named Oakley Nelson. In the beginning, it tells us how her brother is in the hospital because of his cancer. He has had cancer, and Oakley was one of his most reliable and supportive people for her brother. If you haven't already guessed, her brothers name is Lucas. Moving on, after her brother passed away, everything changed in her family. She felt neglected because her parents didn't focus on her, even though she was going through the same thing they were going through. After a while, her and her mother moved to California, to get away from things. Oakley didn't really feel like doing much, she felt empty. She stayed in her room for most of the beginning of the time being there, until her mother came in the room and gave her something. Lucas had been writing a journal entry everyday for Oakley, about how his death shouldn't hold her back. Every new page, there was a new entry with a new thing to tell Oakley what to do. This main purpose of this journal, was for Lucas to keep his sister okay. He knew that his death would shock her, and it would stop her from being herself, so he wanted to give something to her after he was gone, to remind her to keep living. This journal really helped Oakley continue living, and helped her move past everything that happened. When she first got the journal, she decided to actually get out of her room, and out of the house. Since Oakley has a passion for photography, so she took her camera with her, and went to the beach. Her first time there, really changed her future. She met this guy, Carson, and each day that went by, was another day that they talked and got to know each other more. Once Oakley was getting her normal life back, tragedy struck. She was back in the same position, and she her life was sinking back into the spiral of depression it was in before. If you really want to find out, read the book. Trust me, it'll totally be worth it!


  1. That was a great description, I'm definitely reading this book!

    1. Let me know what you think about it!


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