Moving On and Up

     Eighth grade is coming down to the end. There are less than three days of school left, and I'm honestly really sad. Not just because I'm leaving Heritage, but because when we leave Heritage, we all go our own ways. My two best friends who I've known my entire life, all three of us are going to separate schools. One is going to Fenwick, another to RB, and one to Morton. Very different schools. I think part of the reason, I don't want school to end, is because of that. I'm scared to have to start all over again. I'm scared to lose all the friends I really do have. No one understands how grateful I really truly am for them, because without them I would be nothing. Yes, I am very excited for high school. I also am not excited to leave. Leaving doesn't sound so fun. I'm excited for this new chapter in my life. I am excited to move up. I know if I stay here forever, it really wouldn't benefit me. How would I actually move on and up? How would I grow, intellectually? There is no stppping this, I just wish during the process my friends and I wouldn't be separated.


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