Earth Day

     I'm sure everyone has heard of Earth Day, but if you haven't this is what it is. You would get together with a group, or this could also be down solo, but basically all you would do is help out the Earth by cleaning it up, or planting new plants. April 22, 2017, was the day when Earth Day was held this year. It was a school thing, so it was held at our school, and anyone who wanted to come could come and help clean up around parks, streets, houses, alleys, etc. The weeks before Earth Day all the teachers suggested that we all go, to help out the Earth. There was also an incentive for every 8th grader that went. The incentive was that we would all get 15 points, which would help us get closer to our goal and get us closer to being able to attend all our activities at the end of the year.
    Back to talking about Earth Day, it was a pretty great day. Not only did it feel great to help out the Earth, but you got to do it with the people you have fun with. This day, everyone really benefitted or contributed to help the Earth. Some people were picking up debris, others were planting, but most were cleaning up garbage from around other parks.
     During the day, I stayed with one group. We kind of turned it into a game, and whoever had the most garbage collected at the end would "win." Not only did it make it more fun, but it made me want to continue helping the Earth for more years. I know it isn't always going to be like that, but I know that cleaning was fun and the people were just a bonus. In the end, my group had picked up over 3 huge bags of garbage. This was a great experience, and I recommend that you guys try it next year!


  1. I'm really proud of to want to keep our ecosystem clean! Every year I want to do something, even if it's small, but I usually have a softball tournament or someone is sick. I hope you had fun picking up all that garbage..? Lol!!

  2. I'm really proud of to want to keep our ecosystem clean! Every year I want to do something, even if it's small, but I usually have a softball tournament or someone is sick. I hope you had fun picking up all that garbage..? Lol!!


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