Six Flags Adventure

     The weather of this day was not what I had expected at all. Do you think that stopped us, though? We went on multiple rides, and we didn't just stop going places just because it was freezing. We were determined to go on as many rides as we could. Usually, I don't go on roller coasters, because I have a very big fear of heights. When I went to Six Flags with the school, that was the second time in my entire life that I've ever went there. I always thought there was no point in spending a lot of money, if I'm not actually going to go on the rides. This time, I made myself go on them.  Bateman was the first ride I went on, and it wasn't as bad as I had imagained it to be. In my mind, when I think of roller coasters, they always have had a bad connotation along side it. That's just me, though. I didn't go on a lot of roller coasters because there wasn't enough time to go on all of them, but I think I had a successful day. I went on Batman, Goliath, and Raging Bull. Except, I went on Goliath twice. Goliath, compared to all the other rides, was the scariest one for me. It was also the best one for me. My group was very outgoing, and stubborn. They didn't care how cold it was, how windy it was, or how much it was raining. They didn't go inside anywhere, and they didn't say no to any rides that we were actually able to go on. I still have a fear of heights, and roller coasters, but now I can actually go on them.


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