Summer Reading Blog- Papertowns: Conflict (2)

     The book I chose to read for this assignment was "Paper Towns", written by John Green. There were many conflicts throughout the entire book, as a whole. Some were solved, however some were not. The main conflict was Margo running away, basically meaning she was missing. Margo leaving was like a trickle effect, because when she left everything else went horribly wrong.

    As I said in the first paragraph, the main problem was that Margo was gone (missing). This conflict was both external and internal. The reason it was internal was because of Quentin. He was feeling so many emotions because of the fact that he was in love with her, and she was missing. He was worried, scared, frustrated, sad, and some grief. He wanted to find her so badly because he wanted her back, and he wanted to know that she wasn't dead. The reason it was external is because they had to do a lot of researching, investigating, and going to other places (that were dangerous to explore) so they could find her. In the book it says, "But now it was even more unbearable, because every minute I wasted in school was another minute in which I failed to find her." This shows that Quentin thought go he all the time, and was upset with himself for not being able to find her right away.

     While I was reading the book, I felt the same way Quentin felt. I was worried because no one could find her, and if anything she could've been dead. I was sad, because Quentin had been worrying so much, and I really wanted him to be able to find her, I was also somewhat frustrated. Reason being, the clues were very vague, not giving much information, making it very difficult to find where she was.



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