Where I See Myself In 10 Years

What are your personal goals?

      One of my biggest personal goals is to be a surgeon. Just the thought of being able to actually say "I saved someone's life today" is probably one of the biggest things I was in my future. I know it takes a lot of hard work, effort, dedication, and time but I would be ready to do anything and everything I would have to do, just to be able to say "I saved someone's life today."

      One of my other goals is to go to a really good college, which is also big in the medical field. For example, Loyalo is a really good school which is also big in the medical/surgeon department. That might be a really hard school to get into, but I am willing to really try for this. It's one of my biggest goals to go to a great college, get a college degree, and start to really work in the medical field. Going to a good college which is really big in the medical field, would bring me one step closer to my goal of being a surgeon.

     Being a surgeon is a really big goal for my future, but it isn't the only one. I want to have kids, and a husband, and a family. I want to be a mom, to beautiful children who love and support me and one another. A family, for me, in the future is a definite yes. Every time I look into the future, or think about my future, there are always kids there, and there will always be a family there as well. Being a surgeon, and having a family at the same time, is known to be a hardship. Even though it will probably be very hard, I will learn how to manage it.

When you look 10 years ahead, where do you see yourself?

     In 10 years from now, I can see myself coming home from college to my kids and my husband. With all the food on the table, and them all playing together. Once I walk through the door, my kids would run to me saying "hi, mom!" We would all sit down at the tables, my kids would tell me about their day, while we all prepare our plates. Then I would tell them about my day and everything that went on, while we eat. After I finish telling them about my day, I would ask my husband how his day went, and we'd go from there. After we finish eating, we would clean up, do the dishes, brush our teeth, get ready for bed, and go to bed.

What do you want to be doing with your career, and why?

     What I want to be doing with my career is heading to college, that has a big medical field. One college that would also give me a great education. I need to get the best education in order for me to keep moving towards my goal. My goal (being a surgeon) takes so much time, and dedication and I am prepared to do anything for it.

What are your dreams and aspirations in addition to your specific goals?
     In 12-13 years, when I'm 25-26, I want to be studying anatomy. One step closer to becoming a surgeon. I want a husband who is loving and supportive of me wanting to be a surgeon. My husband has to be supportive in order for me and my goal to actually work out. I definitely want kids, and a family. One boy and one girl, but the boy first so that way my baby girl will have a protective older brother to watch over her. Wanting to be a surgeon, and a family in one future will be so hard, I know that, and I am prepared for whatever it takes. That's what I see for my future (hopefully).

If you're undecided, why do you think that is?

     My future is all I think about, because the decisions I make today is what my future depends on. Due to all the thinking of my future, I am very decided of how I wasn't my future to be.


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