What am I Grateful For?

     It's almost Thanksgiving, and there are so many thing this year that I am grateful for. One of the things I am most grateful for are my friends, this year has been really tough already and without my friends I don't know how I would be able to pull through. My friends have been there for me through everything, well the ones who actually were my friends. My best friend, Emily, is someone who has helped me through honestly everything since the day I met her. I can not be more grateful to have her,  and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. She's not only like my best friend, she's also like my sister. I can't be more grateful for the friends I have right now, and I'm glad I have them.


  1. I totally relate to the closeness of your friendship with your friend Emily. I have my own Emily of sorts, and they've helped me through things too. You're a wonderful writer, and I enjoy reading your posts.

    1. I'm sorry for taking so long to reply, I haven't been such a good buddy lately. But same goes to you!


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