This is the Enemy
My interpretation of what this piece of propaganda is trying to say is that, the enemy is not the Germans and it is the people who don't support them. They are trying to get people to think that they are the good people, and they want more people to be on their side. They are giving out, or spreading, false information trying to get people to think what they are doing is okay. Clearly, they are just trying to make themselves out to be the good guys, and not the people who are torturing others for being different. The audience is probably anyone who doesn't support or believe what they are doing is right. The audience could also be their supporters, and they are just sending a message to people who don't support and the people who do support. The creator of this piece of propaganda was reaching out to people who don't believe and people who do believe, to spread the word out even more. How it's trying to alter ones perspective is that it is sa...