Best Advice I Have Ever Gotten

     I'm not going to lie, in my life I have needed a lot of advice and help to get myself together. This year alone was one of the years that I have gotten the most advice. Reason being, I'm going through a lot and this is my year to change. This is my last year in middle school, so I really have to start thinking about my future right about now. The best advice I've gotten for myself is to not try for someone who is not willing to actually try for me. I'm one of those people who really don't give up on many people, and I try my hardest to fix something that is broken, then I realize I'm the only one trying, but I don't stop trying. That's one of the reasons I've been hurt so much. I realized that, and finally took that advice. If I were to look back, and compare myself from the past to now, the difference is so big. It might sound cliche, but I don't think I would have been able to do it with the support my friends gave me. Of course I'm going to still care for people, and of course I will try if I see that someone else is trying, but if I'm the only one putting in the effort then I need to start putting myself first, and if anyone else is like that, take this advice and help yourself.


  1. You're honestly such an inspiration to me, Sumar! You're so brave and powerful, I strive to be like you. I'll never be able to put myself before others. I'm so glad that you're my blog buddy!

    1. Aw, that's so sweet):. That means so much to me, thank you so much!


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